Monday, July 16, 2012

The Rock Island Trail / Pimatoui / Kellar Trail

This is my primary trail for riding in town.  I can get on the trail near the Heights library, I ride down toward Junction City.  But before you get to Knoxville, the trail just ends.  Knowing that it continues from Northmoor, you've got to wonder what the thinking is here.  You could continue over the very large railroad rock, until you get to Knoxville, then follow Knoxville to Northmoor, but the sign on the trail discourages that direction.  I hear that sometime next year there will be a tunnel under Knoxville, but could it of hurt to pave it to Knoxville.
The other direction from the library towards the river has not been complete.  I looked at the Park District web site did not find much info there in the way of trail status.  Sifting through the months old board minutes, it appears that they are done with the trail for the year, and plan on completing a lot of the trail next year.
Hopefully, I won't be too old to ride the trail by the time they finish it.

Back on a Bike and a Blog

I recently purchased a new hybrid style bicycle.  I have been slowly gearing up (pun intended!) to doing longer rides.  But as I ride, I think of all kinds of topics I could share with the world.  Not that I have anything earth shattering but observations that you might have missed.
So this page will be some of my reflections.  Good or Bad, right or wrong, doesn't matter they are mine.